Modern Slavery Eradication Foundation


Slavery is not a thing of the past but has simply morphed from chattel slavery into forced labour and debt bondage. While consumers are preoccupied with cheap labour and goods, and businesses aren’t held accountable for their supply chains. We are a Nigerian foundation exclusively working to eliminate all forms of slavery and slavery-like practices around the world, including forced labour, debt bondage, human trafficking, descent-based slavery, worst forms of child labour, slavery in supply chains, forced and early marriage, the exploitation of migrant workers in conditions amounting to slavery.


To be a foremost Organisation in the global fight against modern slavery – human trafficking, human degradation as well as sexual and labour exploitation.


To leverage on individual and collective resources to eradicate modern slavery, especially human trafficking and other forms of exploitation, through advocacy

Specific Objectives

To contribute to the reduction of misery and the eradication of poverty focusing on the support of vulnerable, needy, and disabled groups.